Nhật ký của nhattruongchau
nhattruongchau viết vào ngày 14.06.2009
how to write a letter
Thanks for your letter (Although you have never given me any letter).I received the photo you sent me.This photo of your family is so beautiful.

I am arriving at the airport at 8 o'clock.I think i will call you when i arrive  at the airport .My cell phone number is 0168-991-6414.Can you give me your phone number.If i can't call you or find your family I will get a train to go to the city.I will meet you at the station in the city.
I like almost dishes except food with meat.I am a vegetarian.I can stay with other people because It is so happy.I will come Seoul when the course ends but i can stay some days if you like.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Lê Ngọc Hồ
Cảm nhận
Gởi bởi sandy vào ngày 14.06.2009 12:37:23
hope that you can see yr friend ^^
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