Nhật ký của ben_y_p
ben_y_p viết vào ngày 09.09.2014
Hyyhhy just this afternoon bought some comestic :)))). Thinking, actually these day tried to be the baddest I can be. Birdy of papa, :xxxxx. Always knowing that im not normal cause I fly fly all the times but the weird thing is even I show it people kind of get used to it, hyhy my family. Anyways missing papa right now, just last time got a ride with him, so awesome. :))))). Sometimes thinking back it kind of funny how I changed the subject from yep im his daughter to the main thing right here. Ofcourse that im important but there is something even more than myself. :))))). Missing papa so much last time papa just did some hairstyle for me. And really still think it kind of crazy how I say something make sense and papa did do as I say. Papa how special and speechless of our relationship, I can understand you without asking just feel it. Papa and me is really one. Hhyh oh and also have some meeting at hotel and got compliment, ok. Listen to papa song. :xxxxxx
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