Nhật ký của mystar89
mystar89 viết vào ngày 10.10.2014
dancing with brother.
Thinking about my brother, how much I miss him. When I said I wanted to see my brother people kind of not liking it. To be honest, being away from my brother is really hard, sister always stick to brother so not seeing brother is not a easy thing. Remember back sister and brother usually held hands together and just go, it just so beautiful. I dont think there any sister who can love brother like me. I can just look at brother and talk about brother all the times. The relationship with brother just can not express by words. Just know that when I start a sentence brother just finish it perfectly. Love you so much brother, my lovely lovely lovely brother.
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Gởi bởi longtracan vào ngày 10.10.2014 19:03:21
I suppose that is one of the mostly "ordinary" things that people rarely notice to.. especially Vietnamese kakaka .. why ? I think it's related to culture . Vietnamese people occasionally express their feelings to others .. they do not usually say 'thank you' to express their gratefulness. . However that is not meant they are ungrateful right ? If you are Vietnamese .. I feel it is truly strange when you express your feeling about your brother .. but it's good ..
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